Let's stand by the research findings that accessibility is for everyone, that disability inspires design practices, and that humans and machines' collaboration creates healthier products.
Can Digital Accessibility Trust Artificial Intelligence Technology?
These results point to distrust in artificial intelligence, including suspicion for AI to operate on their behalf. Therefore, any potential solution must be balanced, allowing technology to take the lead and still giving ultimate control to the users.
Communicating the Importance of Accessibility
What I did learn that day was that there was this thing “accessibility” that shaped what I designed. It shaped my constraints, my considerations, my motives, my markers for success. I desperately wanted to know more.
Is Inclusion the Goal?
Inclusion, most would agree, is better than exclusion. Yet, if I could imagine how I wished to participate, I would hope for partnership, impartiality, and collaboration. You can't have a partnership if you were never included; a partnership offers a much more rich experience than inclusion.
“Safe, beneficial technology isn’t the result of hope and happenstance. It is the product of courageous leadership and of dedicated, ongoing collaborations”
— Amy Webb